Sunday Jun 1, 2025 Sunday Aug 31, 2025
Now you can Glow with us Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays in July and August!
Tree Trails Adventures Mystic
715 Noank Ledyard Rd
Mystic CT 10335
Glow in the Park tickets are $66 when purchased in advance. We recommend reservations – the lights, the music and the glow are very popular!
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New Days Added to Popular Glow in the Park
Now you can Glow with us Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays in July and August. Listen to music as you climb in the trees on a warm summer night, we even give you cool glow bracelets and necklaces and wearables to create your own glow look. Climb after dark when the sun goes down and the lights come up. Feel the summer breeze shifting through the treetops as you take on aerial challenges you’ll love! Jam to summer tunes and experience the magic of TreeTrails at night.
Glow in the Park tickets are $66 when purchased in advance. We recommend reservations – the lights, the music and the glow are very popular!