Home Watch of Westerly RI, LLC

Home Watch of Westerly RI, LLC


Home Watch Services

About Us

Home Watch of Westerly provides attentive home monitoring services to give you peace of mind that your home is being tended to while you're away. We help prevent and deal with any problems that arise.

Whether on an extended vacation or spending the winter in warmer climates, homeowners need to know that their home is being watched by someone entrusted to check and report on their home regularly – and take action when issues arise – quickly and efficiently.

Benefits of Home Watch of Westerly services:
• Regular visits and reporting will help you sleep easier knowing that your house is being looked after.
• Home Watch can save you money and aggravation by identifying and addressing potential issues before they become big problems.
• When returning to your home, you won’t come back to a disaster that will require immediate attention, just when you want to settle in.
• Need services while you’re away? We can meet your contractors or arrange for qualified professionals to perform approved work in your absence, with supervision.
• During extreme weather events, we can help secure your property. And regular contact during events lets you know if your home was affected and address any remediation needed.
• After each visit, we will send you a detailed report by email, along with pictures if anything isn’t quite right. If we need to take immediate action, we will call


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