Frank Olean Center supports children and adults with intellectual developmental disabilities through individual care plans, community integration, vocational training, home support, & arts programs
The Jonnycake Center of Westerly is a non-profit organization that provides food, clothing, educational and financial assistance to those in need in the Westerly-Chariho area.
New Heights is a Post-Secondary Training and Training Day program for adults with disabilities. New Heights has 5 core areas designed to teach, train and promote independence.
Non profit serving Stonington, North Stonington & Westerly, R.I. Human Services: basic needs: food, fuel,clothing, pet food and more. Senior Center: Meals, MOW, Senior Transportation, & exercise.
Non-medical in home services, BY seniors FOR seniors. For your seniors care, when you can't be there. We help seniors stay independent in their own homes .... Services avail. in facilities also.
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul is a global, independent, lay Catholic organization that provides basic needs and homelessness prevention assistance. In Westerly, we operate through the St. Catheri
A non-profit organization whose purpose is to educate and encourage interest in the environment, conservation, and community projects and to stimulate the knowledge and love of gardening
An all-volunteer organization based in Stonington. We enrich the quality of life in the village by encouraging and supporting activities that enhance our many cultural and recreational gifts for all.
Co-founder and Board Director
Co-chair Marketing and Communications Team
The Chorus of Westerly harnesses the power of music to transform lives and nourish the soul of the community.
The Eugene Atwood Fund, established in 1916, is a Stonington based non-profit that provides interest free loans to college and trade school students as well as yearly grants to high school seniors.
Westerly-Pawcatuck Columbus Day Parade Committee
Food Pantry and Thrift Store
Community Adult Band. Enjoy summer concerts, Parades (examples: Memorial Day, Columbus Day, Veterans Day) , Christmas Concert. Music includes classics, jazz, blues, marches, movie themes and more.
The mission of The Westerly Education Endowment Fund (WEEF) is to enrich and enhance the educational opportunities of Westerly Public School students.
The Wood-Pawcatuck Watershed Association (WPWA), a 501(c)(3) non-profit, has a mission to preserve and protect the lands and waters of the Wood-Pawcatuck watershed for natural and human communities.
Equine Assisted Activities & Therapeutic Programs